Yak.. mumpung otak saya lagi bener, jadi sedikit bercerita tentang "How to make success person with simple way". Hmm,, nothing that more important than make a good personality for preparing something that called succes. Right?.. Yes, I am....
There are three poin for reaching "succes" :
1. Good Motivation : You must know what is your motivation before you do something.
2. Good Confidence : Please don't care what other person mind think about you. You always right if you're at the right way.
3. Determine : You must be a strong person when you're get something that you're not want. Trying everyday for getting better what do you want.
4. God : You have a God that always care with you and accompany you're self everywhere and everytime. Don't forget for praying to the God. This is the main key.
#I got this simple way from Hartadinata Harianto (young motivator). He is a student from one of big ten the best university of the world (Stony Brook University, New York, Amerika Serikat) . He came from Indonesia and now studying at USA. Beside that he got two title of major : economics and medicine (doctor). His GPA is 4.00 scale of 4.00. Amazingg..
My favourite quote from him :
"Saya tidak pintar, saya hanya punya motivasi tinggi dan kemauan keras untuk belajar."My favourite quote from him :
"Rahasianya diaplikasikan kerja keras."
"Saya dapat beasiswa bukan karena kepintaran, tapi kepintaran dan perjuangan yang sangat keras. Mau jadi insinyur, profesor, bussinesman atau apapun, harus kerja keras ".
Ini dia : 18. y.o.
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