
5 Jan 2013

Hartadinata Harianto said that

Yak.. mumpung otak saya lagi bener, jadi sedikit bercerita tentang "How to make success person with simple way"Hmm,, nothing that more important than make a good personality for preparing something that called succes. Right?.. Yes, I am....

There are three poin for reaching "succes" :
1. Good Motivation : You must know what is your motivation before you do something. 
2. Good Confidence : Please don't care what other person mind think about you. You always right if you're at the right way.
3. Determine : You must be a strong person when you're get something that you're not want. Trying everyday for getting better what do you want.
4. God : You have a God that always care with you and accompany you're self everywhere and everytime. Don't forget for praying to the God. This is the main key.

#I got this simple way from Hartadinata Harianto (young motivator). He is a student from one of big ten the best university of the world (Stony Brook University, New York, Amerika Serikat) . He came from Indonesia and now studying at USA. Beside that he got two title of major : economics and medicine (doctor). His GPA is 4.00 scale of 4.00. Amazingg..

My favourite quote from him :
"Saya tidak pintar, saya hanya punya motivasi tinggi dan kemauan keras untuk belajar."
"Rahasianya diaplikasikan kerja keras."
"Saya dapat beasiswa bukan karena kepintaran, tapi kepintaran dan perjuangan yang sangat keras. Mau jadi insinyur, profesor, bussinesman atau apapun, harus kerja keras ".

Ini dia : 18. y.o.

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